May 3, 2012 | Featured Designs, Great Ideas, News
Open-Door Policy Interior Designer Lee Ann Thorton designed this house around the beautiful landscape done by Teryl Designs. Filled with boxwoods, peonies, hydrangeas, lavender, and roses, the garden rivals those of cottages in the Cotswolds, and sets a joyous...
May 3, 2012 | Featured Designs, Great Ideas, News
Deck-ed Out Lee Ann’s combination of casual and pretty means the house boasts a sunny disposition all year long. There’s just something about being in this house that boosts your mood,” she says. “I’ve never been to a more cheerful,...
Nov 22, 2011 | Featured Designs
I’m excited to announce my new project – right on the beach in the east cape of Cabo! I call it Zeroscape as it’s an incredibly green design, utilizing solely drought-tolerant plants native to the Baja environment. In such a hot climate, it’s...
Nov 22, 2011 | Featured Designs
Here I am in Cabo San Lucas with these beautiful leaves — in Mexico they call them “Columbus Leaves”. Such a wonderful place!
May 11, 2011 | Featured Designs
Hi! Here is a recent project we did for a beautiful beach cottage in the South Bay....
Mar 1, 2011 | Featured Designs
Here are two photos: One before the project and one after...